Monday, May 2, 2016



The surgery went well. Here's what's next:
  • I wear a much smaller patch (lead-free) until Wednesday morning
  • Starting Wednesday, I begin using drops:
    • Dilating drops nightly (to ease pressure)
    • Antibiotic drops 4x daily
  • I fly home to Madison Thursday evening
  • I begin being able to see well sometime next week ish
  • I can drive again in one week
  • I can lift 25+ pounds, resume strenuous activity, etc. in two weeks
  • The stitches in my eye dissolve in the next 4 weeks, at which point my eye will begin looking better (less red / swollen)
  • I see my referring physician for follow-up examination etc. in 2 months and 4 months
  • I get results of genetic testing (to determine likelihood of metastasis) in 8-12 weeks
So that's it! More details on all of this (hopefully including photos!) in the coming days and weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray!!!!!! Congratulations on no longer being irradiated!
