Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Why I smell like a salad

I removed the patch this morning!

My eye was truly disgusting. I wiped the guck away and running water over it in the shower was truly wonderful.

My face was a different story. It was covered in guck from two eye patches designed for multi-day wear. I enlisted my mom's help and was proud to see her immediately turn to google. The consensus seemed to be a cotton ball dipped in olive oil and squeezed out, followed by a warm wash cloth with a few drops of dish soap. (The Internet also recommended a third step of acetone-free nail polish remover but that was right out as it was getting nowhere near my eye.)

I lay down on the kitchen counter under bright lights so we could get started. The first part (olive oil) was safe anywhere and we began immediately. Thus the title of this post. The second part (soap) was safe only for parts of my face nowhere near my eye (no soap allowed in there!); in fact in some places we used baby oil only.

Eventually, I was able to touch my face without my hand becoming permanently affixed (before this treatment we were talking inch-long tendrils of adhesive...). Victory!

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