Sunday, May 1, 2016

Almost there...

I've almost made it! The surgery to remove this thing from my eyeball is scheduled for 12 PM Eastern tomorrow and I can't wait.

I've spent the time since the first surgery doing...not much.

Turns out it's pretty uncomfortable to read or do anything that requires eye movement; my left eyelids are sewn shut on top of the plaque, meaning when I move my left eyeball it moves underneath the eyelids and sutures. Sometimes this is uncomfortable; occasionally it's painful.

It's also uncomfortable to be near bright lighting. Such as...the huge [seeming] windows in the restaurant at breakfast. This screen, even with the brightness turned way down, is kinda bright. So yeah, that's why I haven't blogged much :(

Anyways, I've caved and have been taking the Tylenol with codeine as well as Aleve...the discomfort is real.

I'm looking forward to having nothing sewn to either eyeball! And to having this patch off and being able to shower all of me, not just neck down!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for getting the patch off! Have a glorious time washing your hair! :-p
