Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Roller coaster of emotions

TL;DR: surgeries are happening as scheduled!


I spent much of Monday on the phone. The short version is below (believe me, it could be longer...as my notes prove, because I'm a note-taker). Hit the jump for the blow-by-blow.

[My thoughts will be denoted thusly]


Call #1: Deal Health Plan
  • Objective: determine whether prior authorization for surgeries is approved
  • Result: not yet
  • Objective: determine whether the office visit and examination procedures planned for 4/26 will be covered
  • Result: nope! wording implies that I need to get another auth for further examination, including repeats of the same procedure
  • Other details:
    • The prior authorization was submitted on 4/20, and is marked as "administratively urgent," meaning I can expect a verdict in 7-10 business days
[So at this point, I'm thinking: it's all off and that I'll be flying back to Madison Monday night, 4/25]

Call #2: Dean Health Plan
  • Objective: determine whether new prior auth includes the exam procedures (because they're not covered by the earlier one)
  • Result: nope; none of the CPT codes were the same as my original prior auth
  • Other details: tons of interesting stuff!
    • There are two prior auths, not one
      • Each was submitted by a different servicing provider (that's different than the referring provider, in case you're wondering)
      • Each contains a variety of CPT codes, which I asked for and was given, then proceeded to google to confirm; all seem surgery-related
    • Same info re: urgency and ETA for approval of Friday at the earliest

Call #3: Shields' office
  • Objective:determine whether a prior auth for the exam visit was submitted
  • Result: Shields' office called on 4/18 and was told that the previous prior auth covers this visit
  • Other details: I got the reference number for this conversation
[At this point I'm dubious, but figure it's worth checking once more with Dean]

Call #4: Dean Health Plan
  • Objective: disambiguate; does my previous prior auth cover repeat tests on 4/26 or not?!
  • Result: um...yes?
  • Other details:
    • The person I spoke with talked with a utilization manager and made an official note; his professional opinion is that the wording is misleading, but that my previous prior auth will cover repeats of the same exam / tests through 5/29 as I originally thought and as the Shields' office was told
    • This person informed me that "administratively urgent" is actually 5-7 business days, not 7-10 (because in his words, "10 days doesn't seem very urgent." I'd agree.)
    • My surgery prior auths could therefore be approved by EOD Wednesday
    • He advised me that I shouldn't
[Now I'm thinking it's definitely ok to stay for the tests, but maybe even the surgery, too!]

Calls #5-6: Shields' office
  • Objective: determine whether knowing by EOD Wednesday is good enough or whether I should postpone now, and if the latter, what fees I'll incur, etc.
  • Result: yep, they need to know by Wednesday morning whether to prepare the plaque, so I should postpone now
  • Other details
    • no cancellation fee which is good!
    • postponed exactly one week, so new surgery dates are 5/5 and 5/9
[So now it's yes exam, no surgery; definitely coming back to Madison 4/26]

Call #7: Delta Airlines
  • Objective: revise my itinerary to return to Madison Tuesday evening, 4/26
  • Result: success
  • Other details:
    • it cost $250...blech
    • they waived the $200 change fee because the reason for the change was medical; pro-tip: if the reason for travel or a change truly is medical, call Delta and say so! If you give them the doctor's name, number, and address, you may luck out.
[Phew. It's over. I still need to book travel back here but I'll do that later.]

Then I went with my mom to the fish market and grocery store, came home, and made a salad and assisted my mom as she grilled up some delicious swordfish steaks! Dinner was wonderful.

Voicemail #1: from Dr. Rumery (my eye doctor at Dean)
  • Objective: I'd called to express to him my concern about the prior auths coming through for the surgery
  • Result:he escalated to the director level at Dean Health Plan and was happy to report that they'd been approved!
<Becca sinks to the ground in exhaustion>
Ok, new plan for Tuesday morning: 
1) call Dean to confirm the miracle
2) find out if I can reclaim my surgery slots for 4/28 and 5/2
3) call Delta and probably pay them more money to get my original itinerary back :(
<despair at the thought that if I had just done nothing all day, I'd be all set and $250 richer>
<sadness at my negligence in failing to account for the force of nature that is Dr. Rumery's persistence>

Call #1: Dean Health Plan
  • Objective: confirm both prior auths are approved
  • Result: YES
  • Other details: the dates of each reveal to me that one is for the 4/28 surgery and the other is for the 5/2 one; mystery solved!

[Ok, good...a good start. Not that there was any doubt in my mind. Dr. Rumery, if you're reading this, know that you're amazing :)]

Call #2: Shields' office
  • Objective: reclaim 4/28 and 5/2 surgery slots
  • Result: SUCCESS
  • Other details: this was easier as by the time I could place call #1, I was actually in the Shields' waiting room
[<pumps fists in air>]

Call #3: Delta Airlines
  • Objective:change itinerary back to schedule my return to Madison for next week after 5/2
  • Result: sit tight because this is truly amazing...after a ~15 minute hold *drumroll please*
    • I got my original 5/5 flight back, which is DIRECT to Madison
    • I got it for free
    • I got my $250 refunded
  • Other details: DELTA FTW!
[Never thought I'd find myself saying Delta is awesome but these are strange times]

So there you have it.


  1. Wow. Very happy that things are back on schedule! Also, swordfish steaks. - Emily Gallivan

  2. Cripes! You rock, lady; I would not have had the faith in myself to understand and keep track of all of that crap with the prior auths and CPT codes. Plus, phone calls... eek. Nice work.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. An epic saga, well told. Fist pumps, indeed!
