Sunday, April 24, 2016

Home, James, and don't spare the horses

I'm now at my parents' place in Maryland; landed tonight.

The plan (stay tuned as there's a finite, significant chance that this will change - more on that later):
  • 4/25 - Drive to Philadelphia tonight; stay overnight
  • 4/26 - 
    • Get ocular testing (examination, ultrasound, photos, etc. - same as in Madison and as last time I was in Philadelphia) - this is needed because I wanted long enough after my biopsy that things may have changed
    • Drive back to MD in the evening
  • 4/27 - 
    • Take the train to Philadelphia in the evening, or maybe the next morning depending upon surgery timing
  • 4/28 - First surgery
  • 4/29 thru 5/1 - Stay in pre-determined hotel and be a bit bored
  • 5/2 -
    • Second surgery
    • Take the train back to MD
  • 5/3 - 5/4 - chill in MD
  • 5/5 - Fly back to Madison
The reason this is subject to change is that based on conversations I had with various parties last Thursday and Friday, as well as this morning, I do not anticipate getting a prior approval for either Tuesday's tests or the surgeries themselves before they're set to occur.

So it's likely that I'll be flying back to Madison on Monday or maybe Tuesday night, rescheduling this all for 1-2 weeks from now.


  1. So - if this works out as planned, can I stop by on 4/30 to say hello? I'm actually in Philly for a wedding on Friday.

    If it does work out then I'm traveling for work M-Th next week and would completely miss you when you're in MD!

    BUT - if it all gets shuffled then I'm not traveling anywhere 2 weeks from now and would love to hang out with you while you recuperate.

  2. Hm, maybe? I'll let you know how I'm feeling and whether I'm allowed visitors :)
