Thursday, April 28, 2016

After pics + update

Here's the update; it'll be a series of bulleted lists because I can't really see very well :(
  • I went into surgery around 12 PM and got out around 1 PM
  • I hung out in recovery for a half hour before I was ready for my mom to visit and to eat food (food = grape juice, pretzels, and fig newtons)
  • After another half hour they took the IV out and I was able to get dressed
  • By 2:30-ish, we were in the hotel room at the Hilton Garden Inn on 11th and Arch
  • Mom got me a chocolate chip cookie at Reading Terminal Market and luckily also picked up some milk :)
  • We ordered room service for dinner
More lists below, since I like list making :)

I have prescriptions for the followig meds in case I need them:
  • Tylenol with codeine - for pain
  • Ativan - for anxiety (e.g. itchiness / "get this sh*t off my eye" sort of feelings)
  • Zofran - for nausea
Apparently day one is the worst, and if you can avoid taking the meds, you'll be happier, so I haven't even filled these scripts yet. They said if you have a decent tolerance for pain, this should be doable, and I do have a high tolerance for pain; I've taken some regular Tylenol so far but not much more.

Here's the plan:
  • Thursday (post-surgery - apparently the worst, pain-wise)
    • Had a doctor visit to check in
    • Sleep recommended, so that's what I've done until like 6 PM
    • I put a contact in my right eye (glasses have no hope of staying on; see below for  a pic) so I could watch some TV
    • Likely going to bed around 10 PM Eastern
  • Friday
    • Will have another doctor visit before noon
    • My plan is to watch TV, read, do some internets, maybe listen to some music or podcasts, etc.
  • Saturday
    • Will have a doctor call to check in
    • If you're in town, text or call me or my mom to coordinate a visit!
      • If you're pregnant, you're not allowed
      • Otherwise, you can come over and hug or touch me once or twice, then stay 5-6 feet away
    • Otherwise, same TV/reading/listening plan
  • Sunday
    • Will have a doctor call to check in
    • Otherwise, same TV/reading/listening plan
  • Monday
    • I'll be on an 8 AM shuttle back to Wills Eye for the plaque removal surgery

I'm radioactive!

Fashionable lead shield (under the gauze)


  1. Sending you love and positive vibes from the other side of Pennsylvania.

  2. Thinking of you!! Hope you're recovering well today!

  3. Sending you hugs from Cincinnati! You're so amazingly strong, though there was never any doubt of that. :)

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