Tuesday, June 28, 2016

2-month post-op update - addendum

Dr. Rumery called me back to ask that I come back in so he could test the pressure in my eye (a quick and simple test) so we coordinated and somewhat sketchily / awesomely met up at the Dean Clinic on the West Side after hours to get me checked out before he went on vacation (thanks again, Dr. Rumery, for being so flexible and awesome!)

For those interested, after a numbing drop, Dr. Rumery used a hand-held applanation tonometer, which I find to be vastly preferable to the puff of air method:

It didn't look exactly like this one, but this picture was too awesome not to include

Anyways, good news:
  • left eye: 8 mmHg (the one of interest)
  • right eye: 11 mmHg

Background on this measurement and why it matters from the Ocular tonometry wikipedia page:

Tonometry is the procedure eye care professionals perform to determine the intraocular pressure (IOP), the fluid pressure inside the eye. It is an important test in the evaluation of patients at risk from glaucoma.[1] Most tonometers are calibrated to measure pressure in millimeters of mercury (mmHg).

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