Tuesday, August 22, 2017


At my 1-year(ish) checkup in Philadelphia, I was pleased to discover that I have "good life prognosis." Let me explain.

At the Shields' practice at Wills Eye Hospital, Dr. Carol Shields is consistently surrounded by students, residents, fellows...generally learners. She is training the next generation, and this takes time. So these helpers often prepare each room and patient for her, to allow her to be as efficient as possible.

Dr. Shields entered my room, was briefed by her crew, and then dictated a letter that contained the quote above, as well as a lot of other precise medical terminology. But the following quotes indicate that I am recovering nicely:

"The affected left eye previously had diffuse iris melanoma...the tumor is very dusky in appearance with no evidence of vascularity and appears regressed...Rebecca has had a good response to plaque radiotherapy."

So there you have it. Yay!

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