Thursday, January 10, 2019

Post-cataract surgery visit #1

My eye still looks good!

  • The pressure is a bit higher than expected but not far outside the normal range
  • A vision test shows that my vision in my left eye may be about -2.50 (vs. the expected -3.00)

Results of my vision test. Not sure how to read them but I snuck this pic just because :)

Normal procedure is to put one drop each of Maxidex and Acular in my eye (separated by 5 minutes) 3 times daily for 3 weeks; due to this increased pressure, I was instructed to add 3 more Maxidex-only doses per day for the first week only.

My vision will continue to gradually improve in my left eye for the next week or so, but won't be perfect due to my secondary cataract. Even after that is removed, it likely won't be perfectly clear.

My next visit is in 3 weeks; they'll continue to monitor me for 3 months, though, to prep for the secondary cataract procedure.

In the meantime, the expected side effects I will experience include but are not limited to:
  • Itchiness
  • Slight pain or discomfort
  • A feeling like there is something in my eye
  • A slight stutter/"flashing" when looking at a light or moving my eyes rapidly (!) - this is definitely already happening all the time and is super fun :)

On a fun note, many have asked me how I'm doing, and my answer has been, "My eye is sore, but I'm doing well!" The rest of this conversation, with Felicity at least, went like this:

Felicity: "What does it feel like to have a sore eye?"
Becca: "I don't know...sort of like you've been punched in the eye?"
Felicity: "I've never been punched in the eye."
Becca: "Huh, me neither."

But I don't know how else to describe it, so... :)

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

More on cataract surgery and my prognosis

So, what was entailed in my cataract surgery, and how did it go? If you don't like hearing about surgeries or graphic things, don't read on :)

Another successful surgery!

I had my cataract removed today; once I can see better I'll post much more detail :)

Here's a quick post-surgery snap; note my left pupil is back to being black, which is so so good :)

My left eye is dilated and no longer has a cataract in it! This is about 5 minutes post-op.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Before [cataract surgery] photos

Finally got photos from Dr. Shields back, so am retroactively posting these before photos so you can get an idea of how dense my cataract was :)

Trigger warning: basically none. Just close-ups of my eyes :)